- operating site
- боевая позиция
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
Forward Operating Site — Eine Forward Operating Site (FOS) ist im Sprachgebrauch der Vereinigten Staaten die mittlere Stufe eines Militärstützpunkts außerhalb des Mutterlandes. Es handelt sich dabei um Stützpunkte, die in erster Linie als Operationsbasis für regelmäßig… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Forward Operating Site — A Forward Operating Site (FOS) is a U.S. military term for facilities, defined as a scalable, warm facility that can support sustained operations, but with only a small permanent presence of support or contractor personnel. A FOS will host… … Wikipedia
Forward Operating Site — (FOS) (Передовая операционная позиция) американский военный термин для определения объектов которые могут масштабироваться и поддерживать устойчивые операции, но лишь с небольшим постоянно присутствующим военным складом или персоналом… … Википедия
Forward Operating Site — Un Forward Operating Site (FOS) est un terme de jargon militaire américain pour désigner un site abritant des installations « qui peuvent être agrandies ou rétrécies et « tièdes » qui peuvent supporter des opérations militaires… … Wikipédia en Français
Operating Industries Inc., Landfill — Superfund site Geography City Monterey Park County Los Angeles County State California … Wikipedia
Operating system advocacy — is the practice of attempting to increase the awareness and improve the perception of a computer operating system. The motivation behind this may be to increase the number of users of a system, to assert the superiority of one choice over another … Wikipedia
Operating Department Practitioners — (ODPs) are a type of health care provider involved with the overall planning and delivery of a patient s perioperative care. They are mainly employed in surgical operating departments but can be found in other clinical areas including Accident… … Wikipedia
Operating room management — An operating theatre (gynecological hospital of Medical University of Silesia in Bytom) Operating room management is the science of how to run an Operating Room Suite. Operational operating room management focuses on maximizing operational… … Wikipedia
Site-specific browser — A site specific browser (SSB) is a software application that is dedicated to accessing pages from a single source (site) on a computer network such as the Internet or a private intranet. SSBs typically simplify the more complex functions of a web … Wikipedia
Forward operating base — Logar, Afghanistan. A forward operating base (FOB) is any secured forward military position, commonly a military base, that is used to support tactical operations. A FOB may or may not contain an airfield, hospital, or other facilities. The base… … Wikipedia
Main Operating Base — Eine Main Operating Base (MOB) ist im Sprachgebrauch der Vereinigten Staaten die größte Stufe eines Militärstützpunktes außerhalb des Mutterlandes. Es handelt sich dabei um Stützpunkte innerhalb befreundeter Gastgeberländer, in denen auf Dauer… … Deutsch Wikipedia